Black Tomasa was born on a hacienda in
Cocoa in Birongo Edo Miranda of a slave mother
She called Dorotea Castro and her father calls himself a great and
White landowner proxy

Below is the narrative of her story La negra Tomasa
She is a spirit of very high Light which dates back more than 500 years
Strong and temperate woman with a sweet and loving character towards
Hers her spiritual children, she is a woman who seeing her in matters well
Mounted denotes her great affluence

Black Tomasa was born on a hacienda in
Cocoa in Birongo Edo Miranda of a slave mother
She called Dorotea Castro and her father calls himself a great and
White landowner proxy

To which she belonged because she, despite being the daughter of a slave
She was raised as an only child and therefore heiress to the estate
Where she was born, she dedicated her childhood to the service of her mother
So thanks to her teachings she was able to help the origin
She never forgot who she came from, at 16 years old she is

Given in marriage to the coffee and cocoa farmer of
The region: Don Ismael Yaguarú who was 48 years old
Of age approximately at the time of which no
He had children and lived with her for a period of 36
Long years

Black Tomasa was born on a hacienda in
Cocoa in Birongo Edo Miranda of a slave mother
She called Dorotea Castro and her father calls himself a great and
White landowner proxy

Composição: Sergio Umbría