Food made with minced meat
Of cattle, pigs or birds
Usually seasoned with salt
Pepper, garlic and parsley, and round shape
And flat; It is usually grilled or fried

Gringo culture is a hamburger
It turns Latin American cultures into mincemeat
Making the young throw it away, and
Even adult people, because they see Latin America
Like something useless, and silly

Food made with minced meat
Of cattle, pigs or birds
Usually seasoned with salt
Pepper, garlic and parsley, and round shape
And flat; It is usually grilled or fried

Gringos see Latino people as animals
Whom he must use, mistreat, and then
Discard, as one discards what is of no use
Let's defend our Latino culture, culture of
Warrior and brave people

Food made with minced meat
Of cattle, pigs or birds
Usually seasoned with salt
Pepper, garlic and parsley, and round shape
And flat; It is usually grilled or fried

Composição: Sergio Umbría