Paramaconi can be considered the
Indian of pacification. Was part of
The troops of Cacique Guaicaipuro, his
Origin is from the Caribbean had many

Clashes with the Spanish
Where he was victorious in battle Paramaconi
He devastated his warriors in Villa San Francisco
The same place where Caracas 6 would be founded
Years later

Joined the alliance of caciques, he fought in the
Site of Collado (today Caraballeda) where
They won in battle. The Spanish called it
The cacique-knight but the meaning of his

Small alligator names. When he made up his mind
To exterminate the cacique, they attacked him at night in his caney
Paramaconi in the fight was wounded in battle without
However, his good attitude towards things made him

In good hands with González the Spaniard who undertook
The attack and they reached an agreement where they send him to
Heal the wounds and from that moment on there was peace
Between both men. It is for this reason that

Paramaconi considers himself the Indian of peace without
Leaving behind his bravery and great deeds like
Warrior liberator of his people. Power: Indian of the
Pacification, reconciliation, of immense power in
Against attacks from evil spirits and possessions

Composição: Sergio Umbría