Of the Caribs Chieftain of the coastal zone
That goes from the Anare river to the coasts
From Anzoátegui (Puerto La Cruz)
Count the legend that had given lodging to some

Soldiers of Rodríguez Suarez
One of them he killed a seagull and Naiguatá offended after not
Find answers to your request for execution
From the aggressor, he took the troops by assault and was preparing to

To execute the soldier when a flock of
Seagulls approached the place
Naiguatá in view, for that he pardoned the soldier
Property protector, domestic and Wild animals, belongings
But he also heals the suffering of the defenseless

In the name of God and for the Holy Mother Earth
That today he shelters me I ask for light and improvement for him
Powerful brother Naiguatá!

Beloved and powerful Indian Cacique Naiguatá in
This moment I invoke you with the respect that I
It deserves your power. Come to us and extend
Your protection and favors so that our goods
Goals and objectives are strengthened in you

I beg you just as you did justice with the Mother
Nature that you respected and made respect that the
Mother Earth be strengthened in her goods and blessed
Forever so that the fruits and animals of it us
Help progress and let's be at peace with us
And with them!

Father of the Venezuelan coasts, come closer to
Us and alleviates the suffering and sorrows that
They can affect us

Composição: Sergio Umbría