Lady Midnight

I came by myself to a very crowded place
I was looking for someone who had lines in her face
I found her there but she was past all concern
I asked her to hold me, I said, lady, unfold me
But she scorned me and she told me
I was dead and I could never return

Well, I argued all night like so many have before
Saying, whatever you give me, I seem to need so much more
Then she pointed at me where I kneeled on her floor
She said, don't try to use me or slyly refuse me
Just win me or lose me
It is this that the darkness is for

I cried, oh, lady midnight, I fear that you grow old
The stars eat your body and the wind makes you cold
If we cry now, she said, it will just be ignored
So I walked through the morning, sweet early morning
I could hear my lady calling
You've won me, you've won me, my lord
You've won me, you've won me, my lord
Yes, you've won me, you've won me, my lord

Ah, you've won me, you've won me, my lord
Ah, you've won me, you've won me, my lord

Lady Midnight

Llegué sola a un lugar muy concurrido. Estaba buscando a alguien que tuviera líneas en la cara. La encontré allí, pero había pasado toda preocupación. Le pedí que me abrazara, le dije, señora. , despliégame
Pero ella me despreciaba y me dijo
Estaba muerto y nunca podría volver

Bueno, discutí toda la noche como muchos lo han hecho antes
Diciendo, lo que sea que des. yo, parece que necesito mucho más
Luego me señaló donde me arrodillé en su piso
Dijo, no trates de usarme o me rechaces astutamente
Solo gántame o piérdeme < br> Es por esto que la oscuridad es para

Lloré, oh, señora, medianoche, me temo que envejezcas
Las estrellas se comen tu cuerpo y el viento te enfría
Si lloramos ahora, dijo, será ignorado. Así que caminé por la mañana, dulce madrugada. Podía escuchar a mi señora llamando. Me has ganado, me has ganado, mi señor. br> Me has ganado, me has ganado, mi señor
Sí, me has ganado, me has ganado, mi señor

Ah, me has ganado, tú me has ganado, mi señor
A h, me has ganado, me has ganado, mi señor
