Frowning Atahuallpa (My Inca Love)

Sitting all alone, looking at the throne of the one i used to love
Sitting all alone, looking at the stone of my lovely inca love

The huntress stands, with peacock hands she'd take me to where she lie
She sighs so deep, it rocks the river of her stomach sky

The oval moon, it tans the faun who holds grapes for my love
Sitting all alone, sitting in the throne of my lovely inca love

Hare krishna

I come from a time where the burning of trees was a crime,
I lived by a sea where to be was a thing of true joy,
My people were fair and had sky in their hair,
But now they're content to wear stars on their brows.

Frunciendo el ceño Atahuallpa (Mi Amor Inca)

Sentada sola, mirando el trono de la que solía amar
Sentado solo, mirando la piedra de mi adorable amor inca

La cazadora está de pie, con las manos de pavo real me llevaría a donde yacía
Suspira tan profundo, que rockea el río de su cielo estomacal

La luna ovalada, broncea al fauno que sostiene uvas para mi amor
Sentada sola, sentada en el trono de mi adorable amor inca

Hare krishna

Vengo de una época en la que la quema de árboles era un crimen
Viví junto a un mar donde estar era una cosa de verdadera alegría
Mi gente era justa y tenía cielo en el pelo
Pero ahora están contentos con llevar estrellas en sus cejas

Composição: Marc Bolan